I'm Ryan Knott
Content marketer, writer, creator, connector, music producer, musician, dog-obsessed
Photo by McShane Photography
What I do
Writing and editing
Content strategy
Video creation
Audio production
Content accessibility
Communications strategy
Social media strategy
Strategic planning
I’m a content marketing professional who thinks great content should actually help people.
Weird, right?
I get a huge thrill from owning a search engine results page and watching followers and engagement grow on YouTube and social media.
I’m a data nerd and love to report on successes and even the occasional failure (because if you’re not failing, you’re not learning).
I’m a social creature who excels in a team environment.
Clever headlines? Yes. Clickbait? No.
I will tell a dad joke. Or 10.
I know what worked yesterday won’t necessarily work tomorrow.
Most importantly, I believe in putting the customer first and leading with integrity — always.